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Assignments are tasks assigned to a particular person with a specific time limit. On The Smart Office website, it is easy to access Assignments that are already created and its users can also create assignments by themselves.

Use Case


If you want to create / access assignments, The Assignment Dashboard will help you to create an assignment on your own and with a priority, estimated hours, and due date.


See, how it’s done

How to Access Assignments;


1. Firstly, go to Apps > Assignments
2. You land on the Assignments overview page. Here you get to see the following features. Let us check them in detail.

Screenshot (13)

                                       Figure 01, Insight to Assignment Dashboard


Overview page Taskbar shows you the following elements ;

a)Assignment; The Assigned project name.

b)Stage; Assignment status i.e completed, not completed.

c)Priority; Helps to sort out the importance of the task on the basis of Critical, High, Medium, and Low.

d)Due Date; The deadline on which the task is to be completed.

e)Assigned to; helps to find out who is going to do the Assignment

f)Estimated Hours; which shows the allocated hours in which the work has to be done.

g)Time Logged Hours; it is the logged project hours of team members.


Screenshot (16)

          Figure 02,


1) Attachment; Any file attached related to the Assignment.

2)Comment; corrections/ additional information come under this section.

3)Checklist; It is like a reminder of what needs to and has to be done.

4)Edit; here, you can edit the assignment details.


How to Create a New Ticket


1. Click on Create


2. The following card pop-up



Screenshot (15)

                                              Figure 03, Insight into the Form



What is in the Form;

Assignment; this section requires an Assignment name.
Details; in this bar, you have to add details about the project.
Estimated Hours; It is the total allocated time assigned to the members for a particular assignment.
Priority; in this section, priority from critical to low has to be set according to the requirements.
Start Date; it is the starting date of a project.
End date; the deadline for the assignment.
Attachment; the required files related to the project are attached here.
Add Members; you can add members for the assignment from this bar.


Click on the Create button to create/save an assignment for the concerned task.

You will see the assignment appears on the Assignment overview page

Click on the Cancel button to discard the assignment.



