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Business Scorecard


It helps to keep a record of Companies progress overtime of such entity such as goals and progress


How to access the Business scorecard:


1 Scroll down the sidebar access dashboard > Business Scorecard

2 You land on the overview page

3 here, you get to the following feature


  Let Us check them in detail

Screenshot (145)










Click on goals you will get to see the goals overview page

Screenshot (145)

                                                               FIGURE 02.



Goal: specific goals of companies

Manage: you can edit and delete goals with the help of the manage button

Create Goal:


Click on Create

Screenshot (146)



Here you will find the option to write a goal
If you want to create click on create button
If you want to cancel click on the cancel button


Show Entries

Here you can select the number of entries you want to show on one page


Search bar

Here you can search for a specific goal



Click on progress.

The progress overview page is in front of you here you will get to see the following features regarding the progress

Screenshot (147)

Figure 04.


Goal: Specific goal of the company
Subject: Progress gain ground of the goal
Offices: Concerned office
Achievement: Performances of the company
Overall rating: How much rating to a specific goal is achieved
Start date: The starting date of the goal
End date: The end date of the goal
Reviewed: Is goal review or not
Completion progress: The percentage of goals completion progress
Manage: Manage to delete the goal




Click on Create

You will see the following form

Screenshot (148)



What is in the form?


Offices: select a specific office
Goal: Enter the particular goal you want to achieve
Stat date: Select the start date from here
End date: select the end date from here
Subject: goals subject
Target Achievement: set a specific target you want to achieve at end of goal completion
Description: add details about the goal
Create: if you want to create click on create
Cancel: if you want to discard click cancel




Click on Scorecard you land on the Card overview page which has the following option

Screenshot (149)



Offices: the concerned offices regarding core card

Added by: who added the core card

Overall Rating: the rating of core card

Created At: on which date it is created


Manage: click on manage you will get to see the following option


View details: this will help you to see the details of scorecard
Edit: you can edit the form by clicking on the edit option if you want to save change click on update and if you want to discard click on cancel
Delete: to remove the score card click on the delete option


How to create a scorecard:


Click on create,
The following page will pop up.

Screenshot (150)



It has several options:


Offices: Enter office name.

Overall Rating: Set the overall rating of the scorecard.

Remarks: Enter additional information regarding the Scorecard.


Cancel: If you want to create a scorecard, click on create.

Create: If you want to cancel, click on cancel.







