Documentation Manual
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How to Access Recruitment:

Go to Dashboard>Recruitment.
You land on the Recruitment overview page.

Screenshot (126)

                                              Figure 01.

It has different components:


Job board:
Interview scheduling:
Interview questions:




On the jobs overview page you will find various options like:


Total jobs: total number of jobs
Active jobs: it tells, how many jobs are active
Inactive jobs: it describes how many jobs are inactive.


Branch: it is the specific branch of a company related to the Job.

Title: title of the job.

Start date: what is the start date of a job?

End date: what is the end date of a job?

Status: status of the job.

Created at: on which date it is created.


Manage: you can manage job details from this option.

Click on edit

The following page will display.

Screenshot (127)

                                                         Figure 02.

It has the following option to edit.


Offices: You can edit office names.
Job category: You can modify the job category.
Position: If you want to edit the position, click on it.
Status: Edit status from this section.
Date of opening: You can change the date of opening from here.
Application deadline: You can change the application deadline if you want to.
Skills: Edit skills from this bar.
Job description: If you want to edit, the job description clicks on this button.
Job requirement: Make changes in job requirements.
Gender: You can edit gender.
Date of birth: You can edit your DOB.
Resume: If you want to edit your resume, click on this bar.



Update: if you want to update the form after changes, Click on the update button.


How to Create Job:

Click on create.
The following page will display.

Screenshot (128)

                                                      Figure 03.

What is in the form:


Offices: Enter office name.
Job category: Select the job category.
Position: Add position
Status: Select status from this section.
Date of opening: Select the date of opening
Application deadline: Add application deadline.
Skills: Enter skills from this bar.
Job description: The job description
Job requirement: Enter job requirements.
Gender: Add gender.
Date of birth: Add DOB.
Resume: Upload resume.


Create: click on create to create the form.


Show Entries: It helps you to see the total number of job entries you want to be displayed on your overview page such as 10, 20, etc.

Page Carousel: Helps to display the number of pages for the total number of jobs it holds.

Search Console: To look for the job using the job title and description.



Job Board:


Click on the job board.
The following page will display.

Screenshot (129)

                                                  Figure 04.

It has various components that tell about the job description.


Branch in a location:



Click on applicants.
This page will pop up.

Screenshot (130)

                                                          Figure 05.


Start date: Enter the start date of a job application.
End date: Enter the end date of a job application.
Job: Enter a job title.
Apply: Click on this button to apply for a job
Reset: Click on this button to reset the details.


You will get to see the following details about applicants:


Applied: Total number of applicants applied.
Phone screen: How many phone screens?
Interview: How many applicants are called for an interview?
Hired: How many applicants are hired.
Rejected: How many applicants are rejected?


How to create application:


Click on create.
This form will pop up.

Screenshot (131)

                                                    Figure 06.

What is in the form:

Job: Enter job name.
Name: Enter your name.
Email: Enter your email.
Phone: Add your phone number.


Create: If you want to create, click on create.

Cancel: If you want to cancel, click on cancel.




Click on candidates, you will get to know the candidate’s details.

Screenshot (132)

                                                        Figure 07.

It has the following details:


Candidate: It has a candidate name.
Job: Job title and description regarding the candidate.
Rating: Rating of job.
Application date: On which date the application is being submitted.
Resume: Resume/CV of the applicant.
Manage: To manage candidate details, click on this button.


Interview Scheduling:


Click on interview scheduling.
The following details will display.

Screenshot (133)

                                                      Figure 08.

This page has a calendar on it that shows interview details regarding a month, week, and day.
Also, it has information on a job interview
You can view the details of the interview and edit it.
To edit, click on the edit button.
The following form will come in front of you

Screenshot (134)

                                                     Figure 09.

You can modify the following details:

Assign employ:
Interview date:
Interview time:


After making changes, if you want to update them, click on update.

If you want to cancel, click on the cancel button.


Create an interview Schedule:

Click on create.
You will get to see the following form

Screenshot (135)

                                                   Figure 10.

What is in the Form:


Interviewer: Enter interviewer.
Assign employ: Select Employ.
Interview date: Choose an interview date.
Interview time: Add interview time.
Meeting: Select online/physical mode interview.
Address: Enter Address.
Comment: Add comments.


Create: if you want to create an interview, click on it.

Cancel: if you want to cancel, click on cancel.


Interview Questions:

Click on Interview Questions.
You will get to see the Questions overview page.

Screenshot (136)

                                                         Figure 11.

It has the following options:


Questions: Frequently asked questions.
Requirements: The correct answer to the question.


Show Entries: It helps you to see the total number of question entries you want to be displayed on your overview page such as 10, 20, etc.


Search Console: you can search questions and their requirements from this bar.


How to create Questions:

Click on create
The following form appears:

Screenshot (137)

                                         Figure 12.

What is in the form:


Questions: Write questions.
Requirement: Enter the requirement of the question.
Create: If you want to create, click on create.
Cancel: If you want to cancel, click on cancel.




Click on a selection
You will get to see the list of selected candidates with details
It has the following details

Screenshot (138)

                                                       Figure 13.

Candidate: Name of the selected candidate.

Branch: At which branch, a candidate is selected?

Role of job: What is the role of a job?

Offer salary: How much salary is offered to a candidate?

Reporting to: To whom, the selected candidate is reporting?

Date of joining: What is the date of joining?

Status: Is the selected candidate approved or not?


Create Selection:

Click on create to see the following form:

Screenshot (140)

                                                  Figure 14.

What is in the Form:


Candidate: Enter candidate name.
Office: Select office.
⮚A role for the job: Enter the candidate’s role for the job.
Offer Salary: Enter the salary of the candidate.
Reporting to: Add the person to whom the selected candidate reports.
Date of joining: Enter the date of joining.


Create: if you want to create a form, click on create.

Cancel: if you want to cancel, click on the cancel button.




Click on pre-onboarding, you will get to see the following elements.

Screenshot (141)

                                                    Figure 15.

Candidate: Concerned candidate name.
Position: Position of the employee in the company.
Email: Email id of the employee.
Phone: Phone number of concerned employees.
Request: Request for employment.
Manage: You can view details regarding pre-onboarding from this bar.



Click on create.
The following card pops up.

Screenshot (142)

                                        Figure 16.

What is in the Form:


Candidate: Enter candidate name.




ID documents: click on this bar.
Educational documents: click on this bar.
Testing checklist: click on this bar.
Testing checklist 1: Click on this bar.


Comments: Add comments regarding ID documents, educational documents, and checklists.

Attachment: Attach required documents such as ID Documents, and educational documents.


Create: if you want to create, click on the create button.

Cancel: if you want to cancel, click on the cancel button.




Click on onboarding.
The following details will display in front of you.

Screenshot (143)

                                                       Figure 17.

Name: Name of the candidate.
Job: Job details of the candidate.
Office: Concerned office.
Applied at On which date, the candidate has applied.
Joining at: On which date, the candidate has joined.
Status: The status of the candidate is confirmed/pending.
Manage: You can see details, edit and delete with the help of this button.


How to create OnBoarding:


Click on create.
The following page displays.


                      Screenshot (144)  

                                 Figure 18.

What is in the form:


Interviewer: Select the interviewer.

Joining date: Add joining date.

Status: Update status.


Create: If you want to create the form, click on create.

cancel: If you want to cancel, click on the cancel button.


