Events consist of different meetings, festivals, celebrations, seminars, team building, workshops, etc. It is more like a reminder of any particular occasion.
This article will help you to know about accessing and Creating Events.
How to Access Events;
✧First go to Apps > Events
✧You land on the Events Dashboard overview page. Here, You will find a Calendar that allows you to add events on a particular date.
Let’s have a look at the page

Figure01, Insight to Event Dashboard
How to Create/Add Event;
✔You will find the following Pop up Form.

Figure02, insight to the Form
What is in the Form;
✧Select Office; In this Bar, you have to select your Office. Like Toronto Office, Headquarters, etc.
✧Departments; This section deals with the details of the concerned departments like the HR Department, Finance, etc.
✧Participants; here, you have to add Participants.
✧Event Category; this Consists of Event types like official meetings, official Dinners, board meetings, Festival celebrations, seminars, etc.
✧Event Title; in this bar, you have to enter the Title of a particular Event.
✧Event Start Date; this section contains the starting date of the Event.
✧Event End Date; This bar deals with the End date of the Event.
✧Event Description; this section is concerned with details of events, like where is it going to be held, what is in the Event, and the highlighted features of the Event that come under this section.
Create; Clicking On Create button will help you to create the Event.
Cancel; Clicking On the Cancel button will discard this Form.
After successfully creating an Event, you can find it on the event Dashboard that has Calendar with month, week, and day details. Here, is your added Event Details.

Figure 03, insight to the added Event
With the help of this user manual, you can access particular event details and create new ones.